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[FNH]⋙ Read Free Wicked Cravings The Phoenix Pack Book 2 edition by Suzanne Wright Paranormal Romance eBooks

Wicked Cravings The Phoenix Pack Book 2 edition by Suzanne Wright Paranormal Romance eBooks

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Download PDF Wicked Cravings The Phoenix Pack Book 2  edition by Suzanne Wright Paranormal Romance eBooks

Wicked Cravings The Phoenix Pack Book 2 edition by Suzanne Wright Paranormal Romance eBooks

The story itself was predictable. Dante, burned by love in the past, isn't looking for a meaningful relationship. Jamie has had a crush on him for ages, when she realizes she has no chance with him, she strops perusing him.

And of course, that's when Dante starts going after her.

If Dante had acted like a grown up, analyzed his feelings towards Jamie,looked back on the relationship he had with his ex (who he thought was his mate).

For a Beta, he was quite stupid.

Also, the grandmother was a bitch and mean to the females of the pack. She wasn't entertain at all.

Suzanne Wright doesnt know how to write strong female characters, she fails in capturing female friendships.

In her books, the ex is always a bitchy, deceitful female . She needs to grow out of that trope.

Read Wicked Cravings The Phoenix Pack Book 2  edition by Suzanne Wright Paranormal Romance eBooks

Tags : Wicked Cravings (The Phoenix Pack Book 2) - Kindle edition by Suzanne Wright. Paranormal Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Suzanne Wright,Wicked Cravings (The Phoenix Pack Book 2),Montlake Romance,English Light Romantic Fiction,English Science Fiction And Fantasy,Fantasy - Paranormal,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Romance - Paranormal,Shapeshifting,Werewolves

Wicked Cravings The Phoenix Pack Book 2 edition by Suzanne Wright Paranormal Romance eBooks Reviews

Jamie had a crush on Dante since she was a child. Dante is aware of Jamie’s attraction but doesn’t feel the same way about her. Jamie wasn’t going to pant after Dante forever, when she hears something that hurt her, she didn’t let it bring her down. Nope she decided he could kiss her wolf @$$ and she would find someone new. She was smart @$$#!, hilarious and when needed, a %$#@!. Jamie was also caring, sweet and more understanding of abused animals than anyone could know.

Dante, man he was a workaholic. Being Beta wolf means a lot of responsibility but good lord this man took it to the extreme. Then when Jamie stopped flirting with him and wanting him, he couldn’t stand it. He didn’t like she he was no longer the center of her world, typical male behavior. Pouting, snarly, must make her want me again even if I don’t have time for a relationship right now male actions began. I kind of felt bad for Dante just a tiny bit, but in the end he proves to understand Jamie. When his eyes are opened he is the perfect protector and mate for her.

The rest of the pack is still as funny as ever, especially Taryn and Trey. At one point I thought that Taryn would neuter Trey and it was hilarious. Don't even get me started on the interactions with the old woman, I was in tears at the come backs that would be said when the old woman started her $#@!.

I can’t get enough of this series. I love that the females are smart @$$%^ and don’t take $#@! from anyone, especially the males. This is only the second book in this series and I am hooked. If you are looking for a hilarious paranormal series then make sure to check out The Phoenix Pack series, you won’t be disappointed.
I really liked this series, and recommend it as a whole. This book was weaker than the last one.

I had a few problems with this novel.

I think that Suzanne Wright's portrayal of an alpha female sounds a lot like a spoiled brat. The alpha males act a lot differently than the alpha females, who seem to only be able to express strength through acting spoiled and calloused. A lot of women are alpha females who can heel toe it through a sentence without acting like a 16 year old cussing someone out. Quiet, indomitable strength with a fierce protective instinct. You don't constantly have to run your mouth to prove your strength. It's the quiet ones who are harder to write.

Take this, for example. Jaime drove her brand new present, a silver SUV, at 120 mph, and barely missed a pedestrian. When Dante yelled at her to slow down, she told him to live a little. Really? That's what I would expect to hear from a stupid teenager who has no idea how selfish it is to put everyone's lives around them at risk because they wanted to have fun. What a jerk. And when Dante makes the very rational argument that she should not go out shopping without protection because there are 8 people trying to murder her, she pouts and blows him off. She has been allowed to stay because Dante has promised that she will be watched, and she does think that she is dangerous to be around, but then she strolls around alone in the compound because that's just how she rolls. That's not being alpha; that's being thoughtless and spoiled. It is also a bothersome trend where heroines are described as being strong girls and they are constantly insulting and hitting the male characters. That's actually not strong, that's a brat. It makes me wonder if Wright has seen a truly strong, composed, caring, fiercely protective woman who didn't act like an adolescent. And later Dante says he would kick a kitten. Statements like that jerk me completely out of the story, and caring what happens to them.

I am also a bit confused as to true mates. This phenomenon is described as being pretty clear to wolf shifters. But for some reason, the main characters in both books have absolutely no idea they are mates. Is this common, where true mates won't recognize each other? Because if it is, then you would think that this possibility would routinely cross their minds.

I was also disappointed in how the pack reacted to Jaime's traumatized wolf. These are people who follow an alpha who was infamous for being feral. He was described as a dangerous psychopath multiple times in the past book. But they have a problem with her because her traumatized wolf might be dangerous because it's afraid? They are talking about putting her down, or banishing her. They expect her to go rogue if she is banished. Does it not cross anyone's minds that if they caused her to go rogue by cutting pack ties, that she would kill other people? No responsibility for that? What's their plan? That she would start killing people until other packs noticed and then they would kill her? They accepted Trey's wolf issues, and Taryn's wolf issues, but not Jaime's? Again, this makes it hard to care for the characters. And it seems out of character for them.

Another way in which the story could be improved is fleshing out the mythology. What do the packs do for money? It's hinted at that alphas have "their hands in a lot of pies." OK. So how did Trey survive financially when he was banished and started a new pack? How are they making these vast fortunes? What do the pack members do all day besides play video games, go clubbing, and patrol? Do they have jobs? So far, only Jaime has been described as having a job, and that's working at a dog rescue. That would pay minimum wage.

She has an opportunity to create a complex world, and she's a good writer.
The story itself was predictable. Dante, burned by love in the past, isn't looking for a meaningful relationship. Jamie has had a crush on him for ages, when she realizes she has no chance with him, she strops perusing him.

And of course, that's when Dante starts going after her.

If Dante had acted like a grown up, analyzed his feelings towards Jamie,looked back on the relationship he had with his ex (who he thought was his mate).

For a Beta, he was quite stupid.

Also, the grandmother was a bitch and mean to the females of the pack. She wasn't entertain at all.

Suzanne Wright doesnt know how to write strong female characters, she fails in capturing female friendships.

In her books, the ex is always a bitchy, deceitful female . She needs to grow out of that trope.
Ebook PDF Wicked Cravings The Phoenix Pack Book 2  edition by Suzanne Wright Paranormal Romance eBooks

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