Sunset Pact Arcanum Book 1 edition by Arshad Ahsanuddin Literature Fiction eBooks

Book One of the scifi vampire saga Pact Arcanum. Warning contains strong language and non-explicit depictions of gay sexuality.
An unlikely savior emerges to prevent the advent of mass destruction and genocide descending on the world…
By Day
Los Angeles, 2040. When the terrorist known as Medusa threatens to kill millions with a stolen nuclear bomb, Nick Jameson makes a fateful decision. He reveals himself on global television as a Daywalker - a vampire with a soul. To save Los Angeles, Nick exposes not only his own gifts but three separate cultures based on millennia-old magic.
By Night
The three metahuman races exist in careful balance, working to maintain a fragile peace. Nick and his fellow Daywalkers successfully master their natural bloodlust. The Sentinels, armed with both magic and steel, repress their warlike instincts. And even some Nightwalkers, normally their natural enemies, have deserted the Court of Shadows to join the triple alliance. Nick Jameson is deeply involved with two such Nightwalkers - handsome Lorcan and powerful Rory. Both men love Nick. But neither can protect the new Ambassador to Humanity from the events he has set in motion.
By the Sword
Jeremy Harkness was lured into Medusa's service under false pretenses. A loner with no one and nothing to cling to, he was willing to die for his cause. But the night Medusa tried to obliterate Los Angeles, Jeremy met Nick Jameson, triggering the onset of his own psychic gifts. For Jeremy is the third race of metahuman, a Sentinel, born to kill the Nightwalkers with no quarter asked or offered. And neither Medusa nor the Court of Shadows will settle for peace when they can make war.
Betrayal and treachery lurk around every corner on the road to coexistence, and at every turn, Nick must question who to trust among his metahuman allies, friends, and lovers—before their civilization is plunged into the depths of darkness and bloodshed. With millennia-old magic, emerging romance, and ever-shifting allegiances, this inventive series unveils a scintillating, homoerotic world of Nightwalkers, Daywalkers, Sentinels, and Humans, who battle for world dominance in the not-too-distant future.
Sunset Pact Arcanum Book 1 edition by Arshad Ahsanuddin Literature Fiction eBooks
I really enjoyed this one, at first.It has elements I love, futuristic technology, magic and vampires. It even has a gay elemeny and so should have been right up my alley.
Unfortunately, it became more and more difficult to empathise with and even like the characters, particularly the main protagonist. His tantrums and deadly rages stretched the suspension of disbelief.
I always strive for no spoilers and just generalisms in my reviews but two incidents really spoilt the story for me. One was during a reception where the President and First Lady of the United States were in attendance and had just been told that the eyes of the world would be on them to reveal how life was among the Free People (the supernatural). So what better time for the protagonists lover to throw a hissy fit and storm off with the protagonist (an Ambassador).
The other was the absurd and murderous overreaction of our protagonist to an accident by another.
This person shouldn't be in a position of leadership, being fawned over and excused by all and sundry (and just bow many unrequited, frustrated livers does one man need in a story?) but should be locked up for the good of all!
I was impressed with the technology, the marrying of ancient tradition with modern interactions and procedures and the structure of the different groups.
I'm not sure whether or not I'll try another in the series. Perhaps when I've emptied more of my queue.
Recommended, with caution.
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Tags : Sunset (Pact Arcanum Book 1) - Kindle edition by Arshad Ahsanuddin. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Sunset (Pact Arcanum Book 1).,ebook,Arshad Ahsanuddin,Sunset (Pact Arcanum Book 1),Fiction Gay,Fiction Romance Paranormal
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Sunset Pact Arcanum Book 1 edition by Arshad Ahsanuddin Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
I never know what to expect when downloading a free book. Before I even finished this book I was searching to see if there were any sequels to the story and went ahead and bought every one. What I loved about this book is there are no defined bad guys. What I mean by that is there are three races human, sentinels and vampires (well, four when you factor in the redeemed) and within each race you have characters that are willing to put aside their prejudices and fight for the good of everyone to end the war and others that are blinded by their narrow mindedness and would do anything to further their own agenda regardless of the consequences. Mr. Ahsanuddin told such an original story with characters so real to me that I couldn't put this book down. The only reason I didn't give this story five stars is each character has so many names. Depending on the situation or who the person is talking to they can be referred to as their race, given name,their talent, their job, their vampire house title or rank.... you get the picture. At first I had a hard time trying to figure out who was who but as I got to know the characters I found it didn't bother me as much. My favorite character was Jeremy. He just changed the most. My least favorite (besides the bad guys) was Michelle. I think the book would have benefited with her having a reduced roll such as Ana's husband had (even though she was already a minor character). I just wanted to slap her a couple of times for being a self-centered b!t©h. Hopefully in the next book she'll just be mentioned as an afterthought.
So if you like vampire books that are not run of the mill you won't be disappointed in this one. I'm off to start the next book!
Wow!! I have to admit that this is the first book I've read by Arshad Ahsanuddin, and since it was Free with single digit reviews when I downloaded it, I didn't expect a lot from it. Boy was I WRONG!! Oh so very, very wrong. I was working from home & wanted to hear something new that would qualify as an easy read so it wouldn't be distracting. A kind of fun white noise to block out everything else while I worked.
Famous last words... I was already hooked by chapter 2. The characters are great. They all have their own lovable quirks and unique personalities. The plot's major story line is the "coming out" of the 2 Vampire races, & the Sentinel's who hunt them to the humans. Its what you think is going to be the same old "Rinse & repeat" formula but instead, it twts & turns more than an Escher painting.
Needless to say, I didn't get as much work done as I planned because I kept flipping back to to; learn more about the author, purchase book 2 with audible upgrade, purchase concurrent novella with audible upgrade, and put books 3 &4 + audible upgrades on my wish list.
Buy it, read& / or listen to these books. They might just surprise you too.
I wont lie... I tried really hard to like this book... but when I realized I was staring at chapter four and still didn't understand what was going on nor did I have any interest in the characters nor any clue what the plot was supposed to be well... this is the first time ive ever removed a story from my kindle without finishing it... ive read some bad stories before that have left a bitter tang in my mouth and a general feeling of disappointment but this is legitimately the first time ive ever begun reading a book only to delete it before even making it to the halfway point...
I really enjoyed this one, at first.
It has elements I love, futuristic technology, magic and vampires. It even has a gay elemeny and so should have been right up my alley.
Unfortunately, it became more and more difficult to empathise with and even like the characters, particularly the main protagonist. His tantrums and deadly rages stretched the suspension of disbelief.
I always strive for no spoilers and just generalisms in my reviews but two incidents really spoilt the story for me. One was during a reception where the President and First Lady of the United States were in attendance and had just been told that the eyes of the world would be on them to reveal how life was among the Free People (the supernatural). So what better time for the protagonists lover to throw a hissy fit and storm off with the protagonist (an Ambassador).
The other was the absurd and murderous overreaction of our protagonist to an accident by another.
This person shouldn't be in a position of leadership, being fawned over and excused by all and sundry (and just bow many unrequited, frustrated livers does one man need in a story?) but should be locked up for the good of all!
I was impressed with the technology, the marrying of ancient tradition with modern interactions and procedures and the structure of the different groups.
I'm not sure whether or not I'll try another in the series. Perhaps when I've emptied more of my queue.
Recommended, with caution.

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